Behavioural Finance

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Download the Wealth Manager's Guide to Retirement Income Suitability.

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Discover how Behavioural Engagement Technology can support client communications during times of market volatility.

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Discover how Behavioural Engagement Technology will help drive better outcomes for Bancolombia Capital customers.

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Several of the issues raised in the FCA’s Thematic Review of Retirement Income Advice are inherently behavioural and therefore can be tackled only with behavioural solutions.

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Some thoughts on how to make the most of AI opportunities within wealth management… and how to avoid some tempting, but potentially costly mistakes.

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We have estimated the cost over time of poor, emotionally driven investor decisions to be about 3% per year for the average investor. This comprises both failing to invest at all, and, when that hurdle has been overcome, investing badly.

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Advisers and wealth managers have a great opportunity to build deeper human relationships with clients in ways many haven’t yet embraced.

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The more behavioural finance is applied to financial advice, the more it’s misapplied by firms prioritising shortcuts over science and surface sheen over depth of understanding.

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Download the Ultimate Guide to Applying Behavioural Finance in Financial Advice.

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Building investment solutions for multi-dimensional people, not blunt categories

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This is the sixth and final post in a series giving our response to the FCA’s Call for Input on how to apply behavioural finance to help people make engaged investment choices more comfortably and confidently, and what role regulations can play in helping that to happen.

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This is the fifth post in a series giving our response to the FCA’s Call for Input on how to apply behavioural finance to help people make engaged investment choices more comfortably and confidently, and what role regulations can play in helping that to happen.

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This is the fourth post in a series giving our response to the FCA’s Call for Input on how to apply behavioural finance to help people make engaged investment choices more comfortably and confidently, and what role regulations can play in helping that to happen.

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People buy stories, not investments. Without a supporting framework of fairytale-esque familiarity, diversification leads to discomfort. If diversification causes distress, it ceases to be such an obviously smart idea.

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Behavioural Economics is a rapidly expanding field and everyday new research is being developed in academia, tested and implemented by practitioners in financial organisation, development agencies, government 'nudge' units and more.

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The lowered valuations of assets is not important, only the value when you need to withdraw years in the future. You're much better to sit tight and wait, rather than to exit when markets are down.

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Classical finance asks us to believe the investment journey does not matter. That is a mistake. Ignoring strong intuitions of the investors who have to endure the journey is always a mistake. When we lack comfort with our portfolio, we will act in costly ways to acquire it.

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The trouble with cool heads is that they make plans for other cool heads, when in fact they should be making plans for an entirely different beast.

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