Behavioural Engagement Technology

Managing a client’s emotions is every bit as important as managing their finances. Now banks, financial institutions, and D2C propositions can manage both quickly and efficiently. Turn existing client data into actionable insights that can drive 2-6x more engagement with personalised interventions.

Oxford Risk’s Behavioural Engagement Technology combines our award-winning suitability assessments with our cutting-edge behavioural profiling, to help you keep clients engaged and deliver hyper-personalised service. Sending the right messages to the right people at the right time can increase investor engagement by 2-6x and drive organic growth of assets under management by 10% or more.

Behavioural Engagement Technology from Oxford Risk supports endless case studies. Discover:

  • Which of your clients are likely to offer word-of-mouth recommendations
  • Which groups need more support during periods of volatility to remain invested
  • How can you help clients deploy uninvested cash surpluses

…and much, much more…!

Use case examples

Client surplus cash deployment

Using our Behavioural Engagement Technology, you can deliver personalised messaging that resonates with each investor, saying the right thing for each, at the right time, and with the right tone to encourage higher cash deployment.

Likelihood of client referral

In combination with our award-winning suitability solution, our Behavioural Engagement Technology can help you better understand which segments of your clients are more likely to offer referrals.

Opening and funding an investment account

Following analysis using our Behavioural Engagement Technology, you can deliver personalised messaging to investors, saying the right thing for each, at the right time, and with the right tone to encourage the opening and funding of an investment account.

Some of our clients

Latest resource

Behavioural Engagement Technology Whitepaper

Behavioural Engagement Technology marries a deep psychological understanding of investors as individuals with the tools for institutions to organically grow assets under management by 10% or more, improve overall investor engagement, and attain regulatory peace of mind.

Behavioural Engagement Technology Whitepaper