Financial Personality Assessment exclusive with The Sunday Times national newspaper

November 14, 2022


Globally recognised expert in applied decision science, behavioural finance, and financial wellbeing, as well as a specialist in both the theory and practice of risk profiling. He started the banking world’s first behavioural finance team as Head of Behavioural-Quant Finance at Barclays, which he built and led for a decade from 2006.

Financial Personality Assessment exclusive with The Sunday Times national newspaper

Founded in 2002, Oxford Risk is the award-winning behavioural finance fintech serving wealth managers, robo-advisers, banks, and pension providers. We believe that all investors are human and as such it’s important to understand how their behaviours might affect their investment journeys.

On average, emotional decision-making costs an investor 3% per year, so at a time when we have seen such economic uncertainty, providing support has never been more critical.  It is our mission to help understand, match, and guide consumers to inform better decision-making and, ultimately, improved financial wellbeing.

As the United Kingdom fast approaches the announcement of the Autumn Budget and Spending Review from the government, Oxford Risk’s Head of Behavioural Finance, Dr Greg B Davies sat down with The Times & The Sunday Times’ Senior Money Reporter, Imogen Tew to give her an exclusive journalistic review of the Oxford Risk Financial Personality Assessment (FPA). You can click here to read the full article on The Times & The Sunday Times website now

The FPA is a unique psychometric questionnaire that’s thoroughly tested for reliability and validity, measuring multiple aspects of each investor's financial personality, allowing wealth managers and advisers to steer clients over their investing lifetimes for the best decisions. Accurately measuring an investor's emotional ability to take investment risk in combination with their emotional resilience helps clients stay the course of their investment journey, ultimately rewarding them with better financial outcomes. The assessment typically takes less than three minutes to complete, whereafter the participant can review the outcomes of the assessment and implications, demonstrating how we can support clients in making better investment decisions aligned to their financial personality.

The full journalistic review of Oxford Risk’s Financial Personality Assessment by Imogen Tew, Senior Money Reporter at The Times & The Sunday Times can be found here.

Find out more about the benefits of deploying behavioural finance and economics as part of your advice process by clicking here now.

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